Global Warming Wikia


US Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a Project to decipher the Human Genome.

"The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on humanity of any scientific initiative before us today", said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory.

Dulce Base is run by a Board, whose Chairman is John Herrington.

Jim Baker, TENN is the CIA's contact to Dulce Base.

House Speaker Jim Wright, D-Texas, is Treasurer for Dulce finances.

Rep. William Thomas, R-CAL, commented, "Part of Jim Wright's problem is; "HE fails to understand what's equitable and fair. It's the arrogance of power."

Dulce board-meetings are held in Denver, CO or Taos, NM.

New Mexico Senator Harrison Schmitt has full knowledge of Dulce. In 1979, he held an "Animal Mutilation" conference in Albuquerque, NM, that was used to identify researchers and determine what info they had that linked operations to the Government.

Senator Brian-NV, knows about "ULTRA" at "DREAMLAND" and Dulce.

DIVISION FIVE, an investigative service within the FBI, surfaced in the 1930s to investigate unexplained phenomena. Its insignia is a composite of the Sun's Rays, a ROSE, and a dagger, symbolizing "The Search for inner-earth beings. They collaborated with the German SS division throughout World War II.

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